Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 5 - Shutter Speed - Part 1

Shutter Speed how fast your camera takes a picture.  With a point and shoot camera it's a little bit more difficult to control how to take a picture.  When you take a picture (whatever camera you have to have your shutter speed fast enough so that you have a clear and sharp picture!)  The reason why your pictures sometime don't turn out crisp and clear is because your camera (or you) has choosen to slow of a shutter speed and you are hand holding your camera to get the picture and your hand starts to shake.  There are a couple of things that you can do to adjust or fix this. 

1. Adjust your shutter speed (in order to do that you have to make sure you have enough light so that your subject isn't all dark -- see if you can bump up your ISO)
         a.  For little kids (I fail at this miserably) you should make sure that your shutter speed is at least at 1/125 of a second.  Every time I pop my shutterspeed below that and I take pictures of my kids (unless I'm using my flash which is another subject completely) I am disappointed -- I usually get blurry kiddos! (Is it illegal to use duct tape and super glue to force your kids to stay still? Yes?....darn it!!)
          b. If it's an inanimate object or a person who you might be able to get to sit still and be patient (not in my family) and you just don't have enough light to keep it at 1/125 or higher pop that baby (camera) on a tripod and try that and see if you can get sharp and clear photos.

Your lesson for this week is to try out taking pictures of people and play with your shutter speed.  See if you can get crisp clear photos -- in different lighting & by trying to adjust your shutter speed.  You can do it.....if you are confused and don't know how to adjust your shutter speed read your user manual.....memorize that baby it's your friend!  Good luck!!

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